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Date Night: Candlelight Supper at Home

Date Night Challenge Come Home For ComfortThis post is part of my 2014 Date Night Challenge series

Have you and your spouse dated each other yet this year? I’m loving this challenge so far! It has already helped both of us to be more intentional about spending time together.

We planned Friday night as our date night last week. It ended up being a cold and very rainy night, which only made staying in more cozy and fun! I put a new chicken recipe in the oven and then set the table with my favorite red and white linens and dishes. I think it’s important to set the table with nice things often. If you only pull out your nice things for company, you’re sending a message to your family that they aren’t as important as company.

I plated the meal in my best restaurant style, turned on the Michael Buble’ love song channel on Pandora, turned off the overhead lights and lit the candles.

Date Night Candlelight Supper Come Home For Comfort

My centerpiece was very simple – two Ikea pillar candles and the darling anniversary card my mom sent us in December. I framed it as part of my winter decor, so I grabbed it off the piano for the perfect finish to my centerpiece.

anniversary card come home for comfort

We enjoyed our meal, talking about the events of the day and occasionally quoting the lyrics of the background music to each other. For dessert, I served my husband’s favorite – chocolate pudding – in pretty parfait dishes. After we cleaned up the kitchen, we snuggled on the couch for a little Jeopardy. Hey, it’s what he likes! 🙂 It was a lovely, relaxing evening with my man.

Did you have a date night recently? I’d love to hear about it!


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