
How I Prepare My Heart For Easter

During December the question is often asked, “Are you ready for Christmas?” It’s a good question because there is a lot to do before Christmas comes – treats to bake, decorations to put up and presents to buy and wrap. Nobody ever asks, “Are you ready for Easter?” It’s not as “big” of a holiday as Christmas, right?

As a Christian, I think it’s very important to be ready for Easter. I’m not talking about stuffing Easter eggs and making deviled eggs (though there’s nothing wrong with that). I’m talking about preparing our hearts for the most important weekend of the year. Without Easter, there would be no reason to celebrate Christmas. Jesus came as a baby so that He could become a man, give His life on the cross for our sins and then rise from the dead three days later in victory over the grave!

Each year I try to be very purposeful in how I prepare for Easter. I don’t want to rush into church on Easter Sunday, having given no thought to the meaning the weekend has to my very existence. Here are three things I do to prepare my heart for Easter:

How I prepare my heart for Easter

Read The Easter Story

Each of the four Gospels contains an account of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. I like to read though each account and meditate on the sacrifice that was made so that I could receive eternal life. During the weeks leading up to Easter weekend, I use these passages for my devotions:

Listen to Songs About The Cross and The Resurrection

I like to make a playlist on YouTube or in my music on my phone, so that when I’m driving or getting ready in the morning I can quickly pull up a list of songs that will turn my thoughts toward Easter. Here are a few songs that will get you started!

Place Visual Reminders Around The House

One of my favorite ways to do this is to place an open Hymnal on the piano – right now it’s open to one of my favorite hymns, “He Lives.” I also like to incorporate free printables into my decor. You can find some really great ones on my spring decor Pinterest board. My friend sent me a beautiful card that is displayed in the kitchen, reminding me that Easter is a time for celebration because the tomb is forever empty and our hearts are eternally full!

He is Risen

Are you ready for Easter?

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15 thoughts on “How I Prepare My Heart For Easter

  1. Thank you for the scripture. I’ve been reading my Bible more and recently purchased a journaling Bible so I can take notes and place reminders through the Word so that when in need, I’ll have the right scripture for my ever need!


  2. He Lives reminds me of many Easter Sundays in my little home Baptist church growing up. Like you, I think it is important to prepare our hearts for Easter. I have been doing Lenten devotions for the last two years and I have found it so edifying. Our church will be having a Maundy Thursday service that I look forward to as well. One of the local Baptist churches used to do a Tenebrae service on Good Friday and I got so much from that service. They have not done it in several years but I am hoping they might bring it back this year.


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