
The Perfect Couple {November Marriage Matters}


Each Monday I post a picture on Instagram with a snapshot of something we do because marriage matters. You can read more about why we do this on my first Marriage Matters post. Having a strong and happy marriage doesn’t just happen – it takes work!

Here’s a recap of my #MondayMarriageMatters posts from November!

Last weekend, a co-worker of Paul’s told him that we were the “perfect couple.” I imagine she drew her conclusion from the fact that I stop by to see Paul at work and that Paul speaks positively of me to his co-workers. Anyone who is married can probably agree – we don’t always feel like the perfect couple! Sometimes marriage is uncomfortable, unpleasant and even lonely.

What makes us the perfect couple? For me, it’s two dates: January 14, 1988 and December 17, 2010. The first is the day I accepted Jesus as my Savior. From that day on, my life changed. The second is the day we were married – where we made a solemn vow to be faithful to each other until death. I have everything I need to be the perfect wife for my husband, because I am in Christ. His power in my life makes it possible for me to fulfill those vows I made on December 17, 2010.

“Marriage is the creation of God and a gift from God.  He can help your marriage grow and mature as He so designed if you will submit to Him each day.  Furthermore, a marriage does not run on auto-pilot.  You must make more deposits into your marriage than withdrawals.” (Read the rest of this post here – it’s great!)

I hope you’ll join in the #MondayMarriageMatters challenge – of course you don’t have to post it on Instagram unless you choose to do that, but I love seeing what you share! There are over 175 posts under the #MondayMarriageMatters hashtag – head over there for some great marriage encouragement!

Take a moment this week and do something special for your marriage – because it matters!


13 thoughts on “The Perfect Couple {November Marriage Matters}

  1. I’m sure your in-laws enjoyed the chili meal! Moving is such a chore.

    At Thanksgiving this year, my aunt told us how her hubby was doing most of the grocery shopping lately, as she wasn’t feeling well. He also kind of likes shopping, just because. But, he’s come home with some rather interesting varieties of the things they usually buy. Like, fat-free crescent rolls instead of regular (he’s not too much of a health nut), and other types of things. Instead of telling him what he did, she’s just thankful he’s helping out. I kept thinking of your posts while she talked. 🙂 The little things definitely matter and go a long way toward harmony!


    1. That is so sweet of your aunt! Paul came home with Fat Free Ranch dressing one weekend when he shopped for us (I think I had a migraine). I didn’t say anything but he definitely noticed the difference. 🙂


  2. I ALWAYS enjoy your posts on marriage. I love your reminder about doing things for your in-laws or family in-law. I have tried to be better about that over the years and i know my husband appreciates it when I do the same things for them that I’d do for my side. It’s just become habit now. I appreciate your reminder about making sure to do special things for your own little family or for you as a couple. I need to think about the traditions we’re doing as a family on our own in addition to the ones we have for our larger families. And lastly, your reminder about communication is so timely. We’ve got holiday events coming up as well as travel and they always go better when we talk things through beforehand instead of making assumptions. I’ll be doing this on our way to our Christmas party tonight so that we’re both on the same page before we ever step in the door of the party. Keep up the good marriage work – you’re inspiring 🙂


  3. I feel like that if you breathe goodness and life into any relationship but especially your marriage, it will show. You and Paul might not be perfect — no one is! — but your love shows through the kindness of your every day actions.


  4. What a great post! I especially love the dates. That is a great reminder that in Christ we can do all things. Marriage is hard, especially in today’s age of disposable and distractions. I always remind myself my marriage isn’t just between my husband and myself but also with God. We made a covenant with God the day we said our vows and are bound to keep it.


  5. Love this post so much Whitney. All of those little things really do add up. I also love how you said you have everything you need because you are in Christ. Yes! Why do we so often try to find what we “need” other places. I am OH so guilty of that.


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