Faith · Marriage

Preparing Yourself To Be A Godly Wife

When I was in college, there were certain girls who people joked were only in school to obtain an “MRS” degree. It was usually girls who chose a major like Family and Consumer Science or something in the school of Religion. I am not sure how successful their supposed strategy turned out to be, but I think we can all agree that most girls have marriage at the top of their life goals! 


Marriage is an honorable goal – God created it! There are those who, in God’s perfect plan, are called to a life of singleness – but most of us will find that MRS degree somewhere along the path of God’s will for our lives. What should you do if you desire to be married but haven’t seen an answer to your prayer? I believe you can (and should!) begin preparing yourself to be a godly wife long before you meet the man of your dreams.

#1 Create Good Housekeeping Habits

Whether you live alone or with a roommate, you can establish good housekeeping habits. Find a weekly cleaning routine that works for your schedule and keep up with the daily chores as well – put laundry away, wash dishes after a meal and leave a room neater than you found it. Learn to cook – and if you already know how to cook, master the art of having all the components of a meal ready at the same time. Make a weekly menu plan and grocery list – you might only need to fix two meals for yourself during a normal week, but getting in the habit of shopping and menu planning will be so beneficial! Host people in your home – whether you plan a monthly supper club with your girlfriends or invite a married couple for Sunday dinner, entertaining is an invaluable skill and is a great one for impressing future in-laws! 🙂

The woman of Proverbs 31 is described as someone who looks well to the ways of her household and is not idle. Good housekeeping habits will benefit your personal life no matter how long you remain single, and will certainly make life a lot easier when you are married.

#2 Study Godly Wives

Getting married doesn’t magically make you a good wife. It actually has a funny way of revealing all your annoying habits and idiosyncrasies! In order to be a godly wife, you have to know what that looks like. Study the women around you who model the kind of wife you desire to be. Don’t spend all your time with single people – ask a married lady you admire to mentor you. Read blogs and books on marriage. Study the book of Proverbs and look for each time the word woman or wife is mentioned. There is such great wisdom (and warning) found through the women of Proverbs!

#3 Enjoy Being Single

When I graduated from college, I was as single as the day is long. I had no prospects – not even a crush! I decided to enjoy the perks of being single, knowing that those years would probably be the ones where I had the most money, energy and free time. I worked a lot, volunteered at church in everything from choir to missions trips, attended concerts and sporting events, shopped for hours with my girlfriends, visited family, ate out for lunch and supper whenever I wanted and had so much fun.

If you’ve been single for ten years or more, you might be past the stage of life where all of that is appealing. My advice to you now? Look for things you can enjoy about being single. This exercise is beneficial in every stage of life. Learn how to enjoy your current stage of life and you’ll be better off no matter what!

—> Read My Series: What To Do While You’re Single

#4 Be Confident That God Is Enough

I’m not saying, “Be confident that God is enough because you might never get married and you’ll be all alone.” Nope. Not at all. The biggest struggle I’ve faced in married life is learning that my husband is not supposed to meet all of my needs. As a Christian, my hope and expectation is in God. If you can learn that now you will save yourself so much frustration and heartache! It can be easy to default to your husband as your strength, provider, listening ear, compassionate heart and source of all love and security. He might be willing to be those things for you, but he is human and he will fail you! God doesn’t fail. He will be all of those things for you, no matter if you’re a Miss or a Mrs.!

If I can pray for you or encourage you in any way, please reach out to me! You can email me through the contact form here on my blog or send me a DM on Instagram.

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12 thoughts on “Preparing Yourself To Be A Godly Wife

  1. Great tips. The single years are very important, and there is something special about every stage of life! And housekeeping skills are beneficial for everyone! 🙂


  2. Such great advice! I try hard to enjoy every stage – married w/o kids, full time job, full time mom, married w young kids, etc. There are definitely highlights and perks of each season you’re in so I love your advice of making the most of them. I like that idea to find a mentor to look up to. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that so I’m adding that to my wish list of things I’d love to find in a church home or in a new friend.


    1. I hope you can find someone to mentor you! I was just talking to a friend the other day that it’s so hard to know who you can talk to about the stuff of life – while everyone offers advice on the internet, it’s hard to find a wise person when you need counsel!


  3. Learn how to enjoy your current stage of life and you’ll be better off no matter what! — this always goes well with parenting. Motherhood has seasons that are good and some moments that are just ROUGH! I try to find the silver lining in everything… sometimes it’s harder then I’d like but that’s okay.


  4. Thank you so much for this post, Whitney! One of my dear friends is going to be a wife on Saturday so I loved that I was able to share this truth with her. 🙂


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