Enjoying The Journey

The Importance Of Making Good Choices

Last month when I shared the most surprising thing about weight loss, someone asked if I would explain what foods I’m eating instead of the things I used to eat. I thought that was a really great question, and it led me to think back to what I ate on a typical day before I started my new lifestyle. I sat down with my Fitness Pal app and entered a day’s worth of food that I would have eaten a year ago. This is an estimation, because there’s no way I would have used Fitness Pal back then. You’ll see why! šŸ™‚


Woah. This truly was a typical day’s worth of food down to the huge bowl of ice cream. That breakfast alone was killing me! I’ll be honest, I do miss that nightly bowl of Double Dunker ice cream…but I’d rather be able to look at myself in a full length mirror without shuddering.

What does a typical day of eating look like at this point in my life? I entered a typical weekday’s food into My Fitness Pal – I’m basically eating half as many calories! Again, this is a typical day. Some days I eat things like grilled chicken salads or a wrap instead of yogurt for lunch, but for at least half the week I stick with this basic meal outline. Dessert is a treat and not an every day occurrence!

For me, it’s all about making good choices. Today’s choices determine tomorrow’s consequences. I never regret saying “no” or “enough” to something, but I do regret overindulging!

  • Instead of waffles, peanut butter and syrup, I choose oatmeal and berries.
  • Instead of a sandwich and chips, I choose yogurt and protein cereal. (I also stay full much longer and don’t get incredibly sleepy at my desk in the afternoon!)
  • Instead of pasta with ground beef and a cream sauce over egg noodles, I have turkey taco chili mac with whole wheat noodles. It’s delicious!
  • Instead of feeling entitled to dessert every night, I make dessert a treat and enjoy it even more!

There are no foods that are always right or always wrong for you. Choosing to make a healthy lifestyle with what you eat is very personal to you! Decide what you need to say “no” or “enough” to, and then do it. I am certainly not an expert, a nutritionist or the most healthy person on the internet. I still have a way to go with my weight loss, but I’m encouraged to look back over the past year and see that I’ve created a sustainable way of healthy living!

If I can give up my nightly bowl of Double Dunker ice cream, anyone can! šŸ™‚



15 thoughts on “The Importance Of Making Good Choices

  1. Whitney this is such a great comparison! I honestly have found when I stick to healthier food I crave healthier food but mostly I love how much better I feel. Less sluggish, more energy for doing the things I love. Such an inspiration!


    1. I have found that to be true as well!!! Just today we ate at ChickFilA, and I told Paul I’ve decided I prefer the grilled sandwich over the original fried chicken sandwich. A year ago I wouldn’t have believed that to be possible!!


  2. I’ve been stalking all of your healthy living posts. I HATE entering in meals in to the meal trackers BUT it’s always awesome to have a chance to look back and compare. Congrats on all your hard work!! I admire your willpower and mindset shift!


    1. I hate entering meals in the app too! Most of the time that I use it, I just enter breakfast, lunch and snacks and then guess for what I make at supper. It’s too hard to put in meals made from scratch!


  3. Great advice! I know there are definitely areas where I could cut back or find a healthier substitution. I’d also like to figure out another snack option after dinner that isn’t ice cream. Sometimes I get the kids to bed and then think I’ve earned a giant bowl of ice cream. haha So maybe I’ll work on a yummy fruity treat or some pudding instead of Moose Tracks šŸ™‚


  4. It is crazy how fast calories and fat and sodium and cholesterol, etc. add up!! I’ve not used an app to track my intake, but a mental estimate has blown my mind a bit. Balance is so important with food/treats. Glad you’ve found substitutions for things and can still have fun eats here and there! šŸ™‚ Life without tasty food isn’t very enjoyable! I’ve noticed a drop in my own weight after cutting out extra snacks. Snacking is where I can get myself in trouble. First I want sugary, then it’s salty, then I want sugary again. I could easily eat several hundred calories in 15 minutes! Not good! LOL!


  5. I love seeing the comparison. I know that I was very much the same time of person: over indulging often. I don’t know when I had ice cream last. Maybe the end of July. It’s no longer a weekly occurrence but I can promise you when I have it, I go big šŸ™‚


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