Enjoying The Journey · Marriage

10 Summers

Pardon me while I’m nostalgic today! I realized that this is the 10th summer that Paul and I have spent together, and I thought it would be fun to look back through the pictures from those summers.

We actually met in the summer of 2002. Both of us worked in the kitchen at The Wilds camp, but a four year age gap is a little different when you’re 17 and 21. It wasn’t until we reconnected in January 2010 that sparks flew both ways (I always thought he was cute).

By the 3rd date we were hooked! We got married in December of that year, so although we weren’t married in the summer of 2010 we were definitely together.  🙂 I went back through my pictures and dug through Facebook to find one picture from each summer. Here it is!

2010 – ah young love 🙂

2011 – the first year of marriage

2012 – we were saving up to buy our first house and didn’t do much! I wish I hadn’t filtered this early Instagram picture but it’s the best one I could find.

2013 – at the Greenville Little Theatre that one time we were cultural 🙂

2014 – July 4th in Asheville

2015 – July 4th at Chick Fil A (apparently wearing the same outfits from last year!)

2016 – in our Sunday best

2017 – Gatlinburg with my family

2018 – Road trip to Atlantic City

Thank goodness for better cameras in our phones, right? We’ve grown, we’ve gained weight and lost weight, we’ve laughed and cried, we’ve loved and struggled to love.

These pictures remind me that God gives joy when life is hard. They remind me that God doesn’t change even when circumstances and people change. Summer doesn’t last forever – trials don’t last forever, either.

If you’re in a hard season of life that feels endlessly painful and sad, look to God. Open your Bible to the Psalms and praise Him along with David (who had his share of hard seasons, too). “Praise on our lips takes care of the sorrow in our hearts.” (quote from the RefreshHer broadcast last Saturday)

Now, to find the perfect photo for year #10! 🙂


12 thoughts on “10 Summers

  1. So sweet!! I loved this walk down memory lane. Isn’t it fun to look back and see how styles and filters have changed 🙂 I always enjoy looking back at pictures like this and remembering exactly what was going on in that moment. Sometimes the memories are tough ones and some times they’re wonderful. It’s fun to celebrate this 10 summer milestone. Cheers to many more!


  2. How sweet! It’s so fun to look back through old photos – thanks for sharing! This will be the tenth summer that my husband and I will celebrate together, too. 🙂


  3. Oh Whitney, I love seeing old photos….yall are looking good. Marriage agrees with you love birds.


  4. “ Summers don’t last forever and trials don’t last forever, either. “ This is such a great reminder that both the good things and the hard things will pass. It Makes me realize contentment for today and joy in the midst of whatever is happening in my life right now is so important! Thanks for sharing your 10 summers with us! Such cuties!


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