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Giving Thanks for This Moment


The first thought that came to my mind when I woke up yesterday was:

I do not want to do this.

Do you ever wake up to immediate dread of the day’s events? I got out of bed and began preparing for the day with disgust. I begrudgingly got ready, poured my coffee and got in the car. I headed down the road with extreme displeasure. Bear in mind that I wasn’t headed to jury duty or the DMV, it was just an ordinary day in the life of Whitney. I turned the radio on, but soon after a small voice said in my ear,

You need to praise.

I’m so thankful that the Holy Spirit works in my life! As grouchy and displeased with anything as I can get, I’m so thankful that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a constant factor in the life of a believer. I turned on this song and was immediately challenged. The second verse begins with this phrase:

I give thanks for this moment

Sure, as I was getting ready for the dreaded day, I was thankful for my home, my family, my salvation and many other things that the Lord has given me. But I was not thankful for that moment. That phrase continues with:

And I will continually…for each day I live Your praise to give. I’m blessed abundantly!

That waking moment and the moments following in my day weren’t very fun, and they certainly weren’t Instagrammable. But those are moments given to me by the Lord, and I am to be thankful for them. Even if I can’t Instagram the moment, I can praise God for His abundant blessing in my life.

What are you facing with dread today? Turn those moments of dread into moments of praise. It won’t change the circumstances, but it just might change your attitude.

(I promised tip #2 of my Saving Money on Groceries series would be posted today, but I chose to share this instead. I’ll be back with #2 very soon, I promise!)

10 thoughts on “Giving Thanks for This Moment

  1. Amen Whitney! I am journaling daily with my devotion and every day it comes back to saying thank you to the giver of life. Amen! All the way! I continue to just adore your blog girlee!


  2. I dread going to the office dealing with the office crap- BUT at least I have a job, could be a lot worse. You have no idea how much I needed this positive note today. Thank you Whitney!!


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