Organization · Recipes

Menu Planning and Target Goodies {Menu Monday}

Saturday I went to the grocery store for the first time in three weeks! I did a huge Aldi’s haul a week and a half before Christmas and didn’t need to pick up anything but milk and bread the rest of the month. Having my meals planned in advance during the busy Christmas weeks was nice, but I was glad to get back into menu planning. It might have something to do with my new magnetic menu planner from the dollar bin at Target!

Menu Plan Monday via

Here are the things I’ve planned for this week. I still have a good stash of canned and frozen veggies, so I’ll serve whatever sounds good with the entree each night. Sometimes I live on the wild side like that. 🙂

On The Menu



  • Leftovers
  • Turkey and Swiss Sandwiches
  • Tuna Salad on Toast


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12 thoughts on “Menu Planning and Target Goodies {Menu Monday}

  1. Love your new menu list. I am impressed with your big grocery trip in December! I’ve shopped for two weeks a time before, but never a whole month. Way to go. I like to do big trips and then send Kevin to stop by the store to pick up the milk/bread/eggs. He tends to stick to the list and not shop around so it’s better for our budget. haha


  2. I plan our meals as well. My hubby and I are empty nesters and I like to prepare meals for two because each night seems like date night to me. I enjoy cooking, very much and my husband loves home cooked meals. Thank you for sharing your ideas as well. Blessings! 🙂


    1. I love that you make dinner special for you and your hubby! We don’t have children, so I try to have a meal with pretty presentation and candle light at least one a week. I’m sure your husband appreciates the food and the atmosphere! Thanks for sharing!


  3. I menu/meal plan each week. It is a lot of work, but after doing it for almost 10 years, I feel like I’m actually really coming into my own with it. One thing that I’ve found helpful is to keep past menu plans that we all really enjoyed the items, things went well together, and I didn’t find the menu to difficult/expensive/etc. The biggest thing that I love about menu planning, though, is when dinner time rolls around after a busy day, there is never any question about what to make. I enjoy having something planned and ready to go for my family :-).


    1. You’re smart to keep your menu plans for future reference! I did these Menu Monday posts all summer, and I find myself looking back through them when I’m not sure what to put on my menu. I’m sure your family appreciates your suppertime efforts as well!


  4. it is always a good thing to have the menus planned out ahead of time. I did this when I was raising my children but now that it is just me and the hubs, I am not so good about doing that. And I love that Dollar Bin find…cute.


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