Frugal Living · Holidays

$10 at Target: Pre-K Christmas Gift Idea

It’s always my goal to have my in-store Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving. I like to shop TJ Maxx, Walmart and Target for Christmas gifts – but this year Target was my favorite. They have such a great selection of affordable yet “giftable” items in the dollar section! I love being able to purchase multiple gifts for the people on my list while staying within my Christmas budget. There are quite a few items in the dollar section that make great “small” gifts or that work nicely when paired with a bigger gift.

Target really came through with some great options for the kids on my shopping list! There is a great selection of children’s items in the dollar spot this year. Here’s a gift I put together for our 3 year old niece – and it only cost $10!


I found two wooden puzzles (that look a lot like Melissa and Doug puzzles) for $3 each. I chose one with a princess theme and one with various emergency vehicles – I think she’ll like them both. They also had a fun magnetic play scene for $3 that I thought would be great for travel. It’s compact and might even be quiet enough for church! I rounded out the gift with a pair of Minnie Mouse Christmas socks for $1.


Of course, I didn’t just spend $10 at Target. 🙂 I found several other treasures that I think would make great Christmas or hostess gifts – all in the dollar section! I filmed my haul, and if you want to see me get really excited about Christmas pillows (and talk really fast in the process), you can watch it below.

 Now that my in-store shopping is done, I’m moving on to my favorite – online shopping! I have my online carts filled and ready for coupon codes and sales this weekend. Where is your favorite place to shop for Christmas gifts?

I’m going to take a little break from blogging this week, so there will not be a post on Wednesday. I’ll be back sometime Friday with a recap from Thanksgiving. I hope you have a wonderful week!

Happy Thanksgiving!


20 thoughts on “$10 at Target: Pre-K Christmas Gift Idea

  1. I need that pillow!!!! I love picking up gift items from the dollar spot. Several people will be getting the makeup bags and clutches from me😁


  2. Great finds!! I love when they have $3 puzzles. Those are really cute and we’ve been impressed with the quality of their puzzles. I’m going to have to go and check out Target over Thanksgiving to see what my dollar spot options are. Olive would love those Minnie socks and the puzzles. Can’t wait to watch your video and see what other treasures you found this month!


  3. Those dollar spots/bins have wonderful treasures! 🙂 Personally, I love receiving a bunch of smaller gifts instead of one big gift. My aunt and uncle started giving us kids fun mixes of things years ago, and they do that for us today. Their philosophy has transferred into my own gifting habits, and my friends seem to like a mix, too. (I think opening more than one gift is as much fun for adults as it is for kids! Haha! :)) Happy Turkey Day to you, too! Praying the weather stays good for travel (for those going a distance)!


  4. I love the gift you put together. Great idea! I have picked up a few pillows this season and they really are great quality. I will have my eye out for that truck pillow. It’s too cute!


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