Frugal Living

How I’m Saving Money on Groceries in 2022

I know the topic of rising grocery prices is on all of our minds lately, so today I have a list of some simple things you can do to save money at the grocery store! They’re a rapid fire list in no particular order, so let’s jump right in.

Stock up when something is on sale: I know the lowest price I’ll see coffee creamer is $3. When that happens, I buy up to 4 containers which will last me at least 6 weeks until I think I might see that price again. This is called “shopping the sale cycles.

Shop in store for marked down meat: I do my weekly grocery shopping on the store’s app and pick it up curbside. However, at least once a month I pop into Ingles (grocery chain) at 8:00 AM and shop their marked down meat. I can usually find ground turkey and ground beef marked down at least $2 cheaper than any other store, and sometimes even steaks or roasts on deep discount.

Immediately prep bulk or marked down meat for the freezer: When I bring home those packages of meat, they’re often family sized and nearing their best by date. I take them out of the packaging and wrap the size portions I need in clearly marked freezer bags. This makes it easy to see what I have and speeds up the defrosting time.

Plan for leftovers: Put it into your meal plan. You could offer a smorgasbord, reinvent the leftovers into something else or serve a leftover main dish with different sides.

Reverse meal plan: This is where you shop the sales each week, buying things you know you need to have on hand, and then make a weekly meal plan based on the things you have. (The opposite is where you make a meal plan and then a grocery list, and you are forced to pay whatever the store is charging for each of those items that week.)

Only allow yourself one grocery trip each week: Refuse to run out for this and that. Make do with what you have.

Keep simple meals on the rotation: Things like tacos, spaghetti or BBQ chicken have few ingredients and can be made inexpensively. Adding in one or two of these meals each week makes a big difference.

Use meat as a garnish: Salads with grilled chicken, nachos, tacos, ground beef stroganoff, BBQ beef cups, spaghetti or casseroles are all meals that use meat as a topping instead of the main dish. The opposite would be meals like pot roast, meatloaf, hamburgers, or recipes that use larger amounts of chicken and beef per serving.

In the photo above, I balanced more expensive items like eggs and bacon with potatoes, fruit and cinnamon rolls (that I got inexpensively at Aldi).

Shop at Aldi for dry goods: Aldi’s prices on canned goods, baking supplies and general pantry staples (most condiments, pickles, salad dressing, vinegar, olive oil, etc.) are almost always lower than anywhere else.

Prep your produce ASAP: When I’m putting away my groceries, I make sure the produce is prepped and stored in a way that will make it easy to consume while also lengthening the shelf life.

Turn supper leftovers into a different lunch: Leftover taco meat can be turned into quesadillas. BBQ chicken is great on Naan bread pizzas. Pork roast is delicious on brown rice with taco toppings.

Don’t let leftovers go bad in the fridge: When I’m putting supper leftovers away, I think about how they can be reinvented and prep them so they aren’t wasted. If I have leftover taco meat, I immediately make the quesadillas (fill two tortilla shells with meat and cheese) and wrap them in foil. Those get stored in labeled freezer bags for an easy, quick lunch!

Save leftover canned goods in the freezer and use those before opening a new can: Example: My chicken enchilada recipe only uses half a can of green enchilada sauce. I put the other half in a labeled bag in the freezer. When I make the enchiladas, I check the freezer before opening a can of sauce. I run the bag under hot water to defrost it for use, or let it defrost in the fridge overnight (if I remember to plan ahead!).

Work through your stash: Make yourself use what you have. Don’t hang on to things that are in the freezer or pantry – use them!

We can’t control the food prices, but these steps are a great place to start. Implementing a few of these will help you spend less than you normally would.

What are your best tips for saving money on groceries? I want to hear them! Leave a comment and tell me how you’re lowering your grocery bill.

Read More:

When I bring home my groceries each week, I have a choice. I can either complain and fret over the rising price of food, or I can praise God for his faithfulness and be grateful for the groceries that will be more than sufficient for our needs.

As the hymn says, “All I have needed, thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!”

“I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken
or his children begging for bread.” Psalm 37:25

“In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4

Everything we have is made possible because of Jesus – and He is always enough!

7 thoughts on “How I’m Saving Money on Groceries in 2022

  1. Some really good points here! It’s amazing how some simple, disciplined rules can lead to the having more money! The bulk buying/shopping sale cycle is a fantastic idea! Thank you for this post!


      1. No worries at all I liked this post a lot and I think now people need to be aware of their spending on groceries! I’m defo meal planning more than before!


  2. So many great money saving tips! My best food related tip is to eat at home or pack lunches/snacks to avoid going through the drive thru. Going out is so expensive so we eat at home the majority of the time. We’ve found that take out or Door Dash are still cheaper options than eating in restaurants with the whole family so we like to do that on the weekends.


  3. Thank you Whitney – great tips! I use a grocery pickup app and seeing the amount I’m spending helps me stay on budget. We also get our beef from a local farmer. It’s much more affordable and we are supporting the farmer! We choose a whole cow or half cow, choose our own cuts (ground beef, chuck roast, sirloin, etc.) and the price per pound is the same for every cut. It’s all prepackaged and frozen, so we put it all into our deep freezer and it’s ready to go! Local farmers’ pork, eggs, fruits, veggies, etc. can also be more affordable.


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