Time Management

3 Reasons You Are Late – And What To Do About It!

Last week I posted a video on my YouTube channel where I talked about punctuality – including how I struggle with it and what I’m doing to make sure I’m on time. Several people left similar comments on that video with real, legitimate issues that cause them to be late. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a different perspective on a issue that seems impossible to resolve. Here are three reasons you might be late – and what you can do about it! 

#1 I can’t find an outfit to wear

If you find yourself wasting precious minutes each morning tearing through your closet with “nothing to wear,” you’re not alone! I heard from several people who said they struggle to come up with an outfit each day – I have a hard time with this one, too! I have two suggestions for this dilemma.

  • Utilize Instagram and Pinterest: Any time you see an outfit that you like on a blog post or website, pin it to an Outfit Ideas board. If you’re scrolling Instagram and see an outfit that makes you say, “That’s so cute!” just click the little tab on the bottom right of the picture and save it to your Instagram favorites. When you’re standing in front of your closet, scroll those pictures and find one you can recreate with things you already have. (This is a great activity to do in the evenings – you could even put a few outfits together for the week and have them ready to throw on in the mornings!)
  • Create A Capsule/Lifestyle Wardrobe: This makes choosing an outfit so much easier. I did it last summer and last fall and found it so beneficial!

—> Read More: How To Eliminate The “What Am I Going To Wear” Struggle

#2 I get easily distracted by other tasks

If this causes you to run late in the morning, I have two tips for you.

  • Set a timer: If you have to be out the door in 30 minutes, set the timer on your phone! Having the scrolling timer right in front of you might really help you stay on track. I use this trick when I’m going somewhere and my hair just won’t cooperate. I give myself an amount of time and then I have to stop messing with it and just go!
  • Stick to a morning routine: You probably don’t have time to clean your whole house before leaving in the morning, but choosing a few chores that you do every single day enables you to leave the house feeling like you’ve accomplished something.

—> Read More: How To Avoid Social Media Distraction and Get Stuff Done

#3 I have to drop my kids off before I go to work

This is one of the “control what you can control” situations. I’m a big fan of doing things the night before, but that doesn’t work with dropping kids at school! If their drop off time makes it hard for you to get to work promptly, you’ll have to work hard to be at the school as early as you’re able. Make it as easy as possible to get to point A, which will in turn make it easier to get to point B!

Are any of these the reasons you’re late? If not, what makes it hard for you to get out the door on time?

12 thoughts on “3 Reasons You Are Late – And What To Do About It!

  1. I love the timer idea! It definitely helps to keep an eye on the clock. Getting up is my problem sometimes. LOL! 😉 After I’m up, I turn the TV on and like to listen to the morning news to keep me going as I get ready. Being familiar with the segments and timing kind of lets me know if I’m ahead or behind in my day. Packing a lunch the night before helps when working, as does getting clothing ready the night before. I have troubles with clothing selection sometimes in the spring/fall, when it’s cold in the morning but will be hot by the end of the day. So, layers it is! 🙂 I usually have a thin cardigan in my bag all summer long, as the A/C freezes me and I like to be prepared!


    1. Keeping on pace with the news is a great idea! I used to watch the Early Show on CBS when I lived in an apartment, but we don’t have a TV on the bedroom end of this house. Sometimes I watch Netflix or YouTube on my phone while I’m getting ready – but that’s more of a distraction than a motivation! 🙂


  2. Here are a few helpful things to get myself and my 3 children out ON TIME….
    1. A uniform– If I have somewhere I have to be or am teaching one of the two mornings I teach preschool, I have a “go to” outfit… it isn’t fancy, but it gets the job done and I look neat and put-together when I have to!
    2. Longer hair– as my preference, I wear my hair longer, so on mornings with a lot going on, I either pull it up after dry shampoo, or just wet it and let it air dry with minimal styling–this doesn’t work for everyone–I’m fortunate enough it is wavy and will just fall into place
    3. I let my kids eat breakfast in the van, if necessary– I hate this because I’m a neat freak, but we have simple breakfast items and disposable paper plates/bowls for this– I tell myself I can clean up a mess later, but I can’t change getting them to school/ practice etc late..
    4. I get up earlier than everyone else and have coffee and devotions before all the morning chaos begins…this is simply not to give the enemy a foothold… late or not, no one wants to start their day that way!!


  3. I hate being late, and feel the most confident when I show up places on the early side, which has been a huge challenge since adding three kids and homeschooling to our lives! I’ve had to change two things in order to get places on time since having children:

    First, I have to get myself ready first. This might sound weird, but if I handle them first and wait til last minute for myself to get ready, we will be late every time. For some reason, the reverse order gets us out the door on time.
    And secondly, I’ve had to learn what I can ask my kids to do themselves to get ready, and what I just need to do myself. Kids do NOT share my sense of urgency to get to Story Time well….on time, lol. So They are responsible for getting dressed, but mommy pulls out the coats and shoes and puts them on them. What would take them 10 minutes takes me less than 2. It’s about being realistic and knowing that sometimes, to be on time with kids, it just takes more work! But I’m ok doing that because I value being on time. This doesn’t mean I always AM. There have been many plans wrecked by potty accidents on the way to an event or when someone hurts themselves walking out the door and needs 10 minutes to be soothed, but overall, it’s largely possible!


    1. I don’t have small children but I need to learn to get myself ready first….before anything else. I wait until the last hour before I go out the door to hop in the shower, etc. . That is not good because I don’t know what other distractions will come up during that hour. I am always running out the door at the very last minute. Stressed. I know this sounds easy enough to fix but old habits are hard to break.


    2. It sounds like you’re doing a great job controlling what you can control! Paul doesn’t share my sense of urgency, either. It is slightly infuriating. LOL. (sorry for the major delay in responding to your comment!)


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