Friday Favorites

5 Things on Friday {5.20.16}


1// One of my summer bucket list items is to perfect my cold brew coffee method. I ordered a Toddy Cold Brew this week and have already enjoyed several cups of delicious iced coffee!! The best part about my Toddy was that it only cost $10 out of pocket. I had $20 saved up in my Ibotta app and used that towards the cost of my purchase – I love when saving money on groceries gives me spending money for fun stuff!

2//I picked up this floral tote from TJ Maxx and I’m loving it as my summer purse! I dug around in my stash of organizing pouches and found some brightly colored ones to keep everything corralled inside the tote. It’s perfect for throwing whatever I need in there for the day at work, shopping or even for church.

3// My parents came through on their way home from vacation this week and met Paul and I for lunch! It was fun to hear about their week at the beach and to spend some time with them. Family time is always the best!

4// In case you missed it, I shared the contents of this month’s Target Beauty Box over on YouTube. It was full of great stuff – so far my favorite has been the Burts Bees cleansing oil.

5// I took the plunge and joined Snapchat. I’m not planning on snapping until I figure it out…am I the only one who can’t figure out how to navigate the app? Anyway, if you’re on there, add me and I’ll watch your snaps. Is that how you say it? I’m homeforcomfort on snapchat.

Here’s my question for you – what’s your favorite form of social media? Mine is Instagram. 🙂

That’s it for me! Have a lovely weekend!

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Linking up with High Five For Friday and Friday Favorites

 Here’s what was new on the blog this week!Do you struggle to find fulfillment in your role as a housewife via

menu plan monday via

20 thoughts on “5 Things on Friday {5.20.16}

  1. It sounds like you had a super-fun week! Hooray for family and fun finds! I love fresh floral prints for summer, and homemade iced coffee sounds delicious. Looking forward to your coffee tips when you get your drink perfected! Starbucks is good once in a while, but that gets soooo expensive. I have a SnapChat account but haven’t done much with it yet. Instagram is my favorite, as I love, love, love taking photos!!! And what is it they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words?”


  2. I am loving Ibotta too but I really need to get more disciplined at checking it before I got to the store. That iced coffee looks fantastic! Have a great Tuesday Whitney!


  3. SnapChat makes me feel old… I have had an account for a while, but never open it. I need to at least look at it to see what people are doing on there. (I’m totally sounding like a fuddy duddy now) And hooray for family time! Love the spontaneous meals like that. So fun! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea


  4. Look me up on snapchat – bybmg – I can’t get on it at school! Haha! I had to go look up what a Cold Toddy was. Looks so awesome! Have a great weekend!


  5. Us bumbling through Snapchat!hahahaha Start snapping and you’ll figure it out. That’s been the way I’m learning. So happy you got to see your parents! And score on only being $10 out of pocket! Did you know that regular coffee isn’t as good for iced coffee as a coffee specifically made to be cold brewed? <–random facts you learn at



    1. Yes, I discovered that fact last summer. But I didn’t have an actual cold brew filtering system and it was a huge pain to make every week. I’m so excited to have a simple system for this year!


  6. Please share about your cold brew method! I got one a couple of months ago and still haven’t been able to get the coffee to my liking. What kind of coffee do you use and how much? Mine was too weak (and I like weaker coffee!) so maybe I didn’t brew it long enough? Also loved your Target Beauty Box video! You’ve got me hooked on them now and I agree this month’s selections were great! The purse is so cute too, I need to make a T.J. Maxx run soon! Have a wonderful weekend! — Tina


    1. I will probably do a dedicated post on my cold brew method later this summer, once I get the hang of it. I’ve only done it once with the new system. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Target boxes! They are so much fun. Have a lovely weekend!


  7. I usually Snapchat with my son. It’s our way of staying in touch without having to have lengthy conversations. Sending a short video or funny picture is his way of letting me know he’s OK.

    Love your new bag!


  8. Love that cute purse! My sis in law who is a Matilda Jane rep gave me a cute tote for my birthday then another friend gave me a cute little Vera pouch so it will go inside my tote. I have really used your idea of different little pouches for organizing in my purse. Now I can find what I need in no time at all.


  9. I don’t know how to Snapchat either! I have an account and watch but have never posted. I will admit watching everyone use all the filters is wearing on me a bit so I’m not too sure it’s a useful time suck in my life…or maybe I’m old! I figured out how to move on the given time to watch sprinkles and animation fast. Need to switch spring purses already myself. Haven’t settled into the perfect one yet. Enjoy your weekend!


    1. There are a few that I enjoy watching – people who I loved to watch on YouTube but who no longer vlog, so I have to catch them on Snapchat. I agree that it’s tiring to watch the filters and stuff like that. I’m old too I guess. LOL.


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