Recipes · Time Management

Magic Food {Menu Monday}


Last week my husband came home early from work and got right into bed. That only happens about once a year – usually he just pushes through whatever is bothering him and soldiers on. I knew it was serious when he came home early! My pantry wasn’t fully stocked for the level of comfort food that being “sick in the bed” requires, so I drove over to Dollar General for the needed ingredients.

I placed a box of Kraft mac and cheese and a package of hot dogs on the counter and paid for my purchase. The cashier said, “Enjoy your dinner!” to which I smiled and said thanks. Why else would someone purchase just those two ingredients at 5 PM on a weeknight? I thought it was cute that he just knew that’s why I bought those two things...and didn’t feel the need to explain that it was for my husband, not for me. I love Kraft mac and cheese, just not with hot dogs mixed in! 

My husband is back to his full strength today. He will certainly attest to the magic of comfort food…and a few doses of medicine. 🙂 What is your go-to comfort food meal when you’re sick? I love a bowl of homemade chicken soup – like the one I listed on this week’s menu.

On The Menu 




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9 thoughts on “Magic Food {Menu Monday}

  1. Glad that Paul is feeling better! I’m also one that rarely goes to bed early unless I’m really out of it. And comfort food definitely helps to soothe the soul! I like strawberry Eggo waffles and Progresso Chicken and Dumpling soup. And lots of hot tea! There was a good sale on soup last week, so I’m stocked up here for a while. Getting sick during this transitional time of year is a bit tricky, as “sick foods” generally aren’t top of mind because it’s been months since cold and flu season.


  2. Thanks for sharing my Crock Pot Lasagna Soup recipe. It is definitely major comfort food! Soup is always on the menu on chilly days. I’ve got a big pot of creamy chicken and rice soup on for tonight.


  3. Glad to hear that Paul is feeling better! I just stocked my pantry with kid things for any sickness that comes our way, but now I need to do the same for the adults. I love soup (Homemade chicken noodle is my favorite, too), Sherbet and try to have Vitamin C Halls on hand. All of your menu items look delicious with the soups, lasagna and chicken & rice dishes. Hope you have a great week.


  4. I’m with you – homemade chicken soup hits the spot when I have a cold. I make it pretty spicy and add lots of turmeric which is supposed to help. Glad to hear your husband is feeling better.

    I followed you here from I’m an Organizing Junkie.

    Have a beautiful week!


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